Monday, February 9, 2009

1 Down, 103 To Go

After Sports Illustrated reported that Alex Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs (a term so popular now, the acronym PED is commonplace), the greatest current baseball player admitted that, yes, this leaked report was correct, and yes, he took PED's while playing for Texas from 2001 to 2003.

A-Rod (or A-Fraud, or A-Roid, or just, you know...Alex) certainly has learned from his juiced predecessors. After a few hours of angst, the public and media largely forgave Jason Giambi, Andy Pettitte and Jose Canseco for their admitted drug use. The reception for those players who have denied similar evidence, namely Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, hasn't been as receptive.

The question still remains, though: Why was Alex Rodriguez's name the only one of 104 from this list of "cheaters" that was leaked to SI? Why is pitcher/blogger Curt Schilling the only person bringing this up nationally?

There are 104 baseball players who took PED's before baseball make them illegal. It's time for the less-famous names to be released, so those who bemoan players like Bonds, Clemens, and now Rodriguez, will release steroid use in baseball was a wide-spread problem not limited to superstars.

Once that happens, maybe we can all move on.

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